Zhoulai Fu – Homepage

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science

State University of New York, Korea

Affiliated Faculty:
CS, Stony Brook University, USA
ECE, Virginia Tech, USA


  • Our POPL’25 paper is conditionally accepted: “On Extending Incorrectness Logic with Backwards Reasoning”.
  • Visiting Virginia Tech in 2024 summer
  • Delighted to serve for the FSE2024 Program Committee.
  • Hiring Postdocs. interested fields are Programming Languages and Software Security.
  • Hiring PhD students in Computer Science.
  • Delighted to serve for the PLDI 2023 Program Committee.
  • Honored to receive generous research funding from NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea), sole principal investigator.
  • Our PLDI’22 paper is accepted: “Formally Verified Lifting of C-compiled x86-64 Binaries“. Collaboration with Open University of The Netherlands, and Virginia Tech, United States.

Short Bio

I am a tenure-track assistant professor at the State University of New York (SUNY), Korea, and jointly, a research assistant professor at the Stony Brook University, New York, United States. My research work is about making software reliable, efficient, and secure. I like teaching whatever subjects that I can understand.

Previously, I worked for the IT University of Copenhagen in Denmark, University of California Davis in the United States, IMDEA in Spain, and INRIA in France where I got my PhD. I graduated from École Polytechnique and Télécom Paris, France as an ingénieur (French engineer, BSc. and MSc. degrees), and earlier, I spent some wonderful years at the Tongji University in Shanghai.


  • Ph.D., 2009-2013, INRIA – Université de Rennes 1, France
  • M.Eng., 2008-2009, Télécom ParisTech, France
  • M.S, B.S, and French engineer degrees (Ingénieur), 2005-2008, École Polytechnique, France

(Below may not be updated after 2022 December)

Research Interests

Programming Language Theory and Implementation. Program Analysis, Testing and Verification. Software  Engineering. Machine Learning. Security. Scientific Computing. Abstract Interpretation.


  • Foundations of Computer Science, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, BSc level, State University of New York, Korea
  •  Program as data, Autumn 2020, BSc level, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Advanced software analysis,  Autumn 2019, Autumn 2020, Autumn 2021, MSc level, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Advanced programming, Spring 2018, Autumn 2018, Autumn 2019, BSc and MSc levels, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Software Foundation with the Coq Proof Assistant, Autumn 2016, PhD level, University of California Davis, the United States 


  • NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea) 2022: “Formal Methods for Trustworthy Numerical Systems”, PI.
  • EU Horizon 2020: “ROS-Industrial quality-assured robot software components”.
  • Denmark InfinIT (National Innovation Network for IT): “High-level Design and Verification of Digital Systems”, PI.
  • US NSF (National Science Foundation): “Testing and Analysis for Reliable Numerical Software”, co-PI.
  • US NSF (National Science Foundation): “Toward Numerically Robust Software”.
  • ITU Funding: “Testing Robotic Software with Compiler Sanitizers”, Project Manager.


  • FPod [PLDI’19]: An optimization-driven detector of floating-point overflow.
  • CoverMe [PLDI’17]: Coverage-driving dynamic analysis.
  • XSat [CAV’16] A floating-point satisfiability solver.
  • BEA [OOPSLA’15]: An implementation of calculating backward error. (Backward error is a mathematical theory that Wilkinson introduced, but not implemented, leading to his 1970 Turing Award.)
  • NumP, Num [ESOP’14, VMCAI’14]: Static numerical analyzers of arithmetic properties in Java.

Paper references in zhoulaifu.com/publications.